The November Nethack Tournament

All Players

player clan wins games ratio achieve maxcond streak
1 Prowler Over Achievers 26 36 72.22% 218 5 10
2 spazm Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 26 44 59.09% 207 7 6
3 Bean Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 19 50 38.00% 186 5 4
4 ais523 Over Achievers 15 324 4.63% 266 10 4
5 DoktorL Over Achievers 15 60 25.00% 175 8 3
6 elenmirie teamsplat 10 57 17.54% 194 6 8
7 Loggers Black Queens in the Blind 10 297 3.37% 166 7 2
8 Sceptross Black Queens in the Blind 10 17 58.82% 173 6 4
9 elron Black Queens in the Blind 9 36 25.00% 209 5 2
10 efot Over Achievers 8 59 13.56% 202 7 4
11 eitwinston Clan EIT! 7 27 25.93% 165 5 3
12 Furey Over Achievers 7 205 3.41% 328 6 2
13 tjw Over Achievers 7 24 29.17% 326 9 2
14 allanb 6 82 7.32% 193 3 3
15 k2 teamsplat 6 218 2.75% 172 7
16 blankman Black Queens in the Blind 5 62 8.06% 161 6 2
17 darkhosis 5 43 11.63% 177 6 2
18 eitbrad Clan EIT! 5 27 18.52% 157 3 3
19 hothraxxa teamsplat 5 15 33.33% 224 6 2
20 mobileuser teamsplat 5 6 83.33% 164 6 4
21 oh6 teamsplat 5 11 45.45% 222 6 3
22 rebrane Black Queens in the Blind 5 138 3.62% 183 4
23 recuerdo Medusa Swim Team 5 387 1.29% 301 3 2
24 samiam 5 49 10.20% 150 6 2
25 Ashpool Knights of the Eastern Calculus 4 20 20.00% 146 6
26 bleeko Surly Dinos 4 94 4.26% 312 7 4
27 finitelycraig The Splendor of Yendor 4 73 5.48% 183 5
28 Grouchy Black Queens in the Blind 4 35 11.43% 175 5 2
29 karafruit Over Achievers 4 68 5.88% 207 6 2
30 rancat 4 9 44.44% 162 3 2
31 shadowrider38 Black Queens in the Blind 4 39 10.26% 141 7 2
32 squishy Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi 4 62 6.45% 212 4
33 unit327 Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 4 6 66.67% 141 5 3
34 a1 GEECS 3 134 2.24% 203 5
35 aoei #TransOnTrains 3 1831 0.16% 131 6
36 cathartes Over Achievers 3 41 7.32% 209 12
37 disperse The Splendor of Yendor 3 13 23.08% 163 5 3
38 dpmdpm 3 16 18.75% 146 6
39 Dx34 3 52 5.77% 170 5
40 eitlarry Clan EIT! 3 19 15.79% 128 7 2
41 Grasshopper teamsplit 3 11 27.27% 232 4
42 habibOotC OrderOfTheCockatrice 3 14 21.43% 160 4 2
43 Leggman The Brute Squad 3 9 33.33% 157 5
44 schoen GEECS 3 54 5.56% 224 4
45 thegame Over Achievers 3 8 37.50% 171 5
46 Unguarded1765 3 5 60.00% 175 4 3
47 voffer Kitten lovers MEOW! 3 13 23.08% 129 5 3
48 AmElm The Splendor of Yendor 2 23 8.70% 136 6
49 Bartlem 2 26 7.69% 157 3
50 charlie14690 Over Achievers 2 5 40.00% 249 9
51 Cloudmillion The Splendor of Yendor 2 43 4.65% 136 4
52 DekaFumoPuzzle Black Queens in the Blind 2 22 9.09% 135 6 2
53 Dictyostelium Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 2 104 1.92% 172 3
54 eitbo Clan EIT! 2 11 18.18% 276 3
55 jackofclubs {Inferior Force} 2 34 5.88% 128 3
56 johnnyteapot 2 219 0.91% 173 5
57 khamul Meanwhile in Europe 2 6 33.33% 204 5
58 Kontroller unfoog 2 65 3.08% 147 5
59 nirol0 2 4 50.00% 157 4 2
60 qt teamsplit 2 31 6.45% 189 5
61 Tangles teamsplit 2 34 5.88% 175 5
62 tinklebear Medusa Swim Team 2 123 1.63% 227 11
63 tsowell 2 20 10.00% 136 5
64 WizardOfPoland Meanwhile in Europe 2 3 66.67% 187 6 2
65 xdminsy Black Queens in the Blind 2 2 100.00% 118 5 2
66 AlbertB The clan with no name 1 6 16.67% 140 5
67 aosdict Surly Dinos 1 358 0.28% 183 3
68 askhl 1 2 50.00% 77 4
69 Athor i <3 grayswandir 1 34 2.94% 132 2
70 Azoxey Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 1 7 14.29% 148 4
71 BilldaCat Over Achievers 1 6123 0.02% 91 1
72 bouquet 1 2 50.00% 100 4
73 coffeebeetle frangipanible 1 118 0.85% 105 2
74 coffeebug frangipanible 1 3 33.33% 106 2
75 cpittman 1 12 8.33% 154 2
76 crunchbubba Surly Dinos 1 14 7.14% 155 2
77 dedal Knights of the Eastern Calculus 1 5270 0.02% 140 1
78 Dhuend 1 15 6.67% 117 2
79 eitm9l Clan EIT! 1 11 9.09% 99 4
80 elfwarrior 1 24 4.17% 96 4
81 haldisse GehenNOMNOMNOM 1 35 2.86% 120 5
82 HugeMimic 1 2 50.00% 96 5
83 jackbunny Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi 1 33 3.03% 139 4
84 jonosmalls88 The Splendor of Yendor 1 5 20.00% 112 5
85 joq 1 66 1.52% 123 3
86 karibou Medusa Swim Team 1 29 3.45% 132 3
87 krm26 teamsplat 1 32 3.12% 138 2
88 lacca Sons of Yendor 1 35 2.86% 153 3
89 lrrr Slime Mould Connoisseurs 1 1 100.00% 108 4
90 LythariDrow The Splendor of Yendor 1 39 2.56% 116 3
91 Madoway 1 11 9.09% 104 4
92 marion Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 1 40 2.50% 133 9
93 moop Meanwhile in Europe 1 1 100.00% 101 4
94 mracich 1 3 33.33% 137 4
95 nabru teamsplat 1 134 0.75% 167 6
96 noims teamsplit 1 4 25.00% 128 4
97 p0werm0de Olymp0wer 1 30 3.33% 133 5
98 peterg The Splendor of Yendor 1 14 7.14% 126 2
99 rebatela 1 39 2.56% 114 4
100 Rudwyk 1 7 14.29% 139 8
101 scheijan Black Queens in the Blind 1 24 4.17% 99 4
102 SkydiveMike 1 38 2.63% 141 2
103 spontiff 1 12 8.33% 143 4
104 stagnate GEECS 1 3 33.33% 156 5
105 stenno ColdfishErm 1 2 50.00% 98 4
106 stoicjin GehenNOMNOMNOM 1 6 16.67% 88 6
107 timecrystal 1 1 100.00% 116 3
108 Umbire teamsplat 1 8 12.50% 164 5
109 walkera Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi 1 42 2.38% 192 2
110 wisp 1 41 2.44% 264 1
111 xororand 1 70 1.43% 134 3
112 zoya 1 31 3.23% 104 4
113 Aandeg 1 0
114 Aerre 2 14
115 alienth 8 12
116 Andrio 0 0
117 anselmus Black Queens in the Blind 0 0
118 Arahael teamsplit 41 130
119 arkanoid Black Queens in the Blind 10 72
120 arnibald 6 21
121 Astralis The Dogs 3 2
122 astrosteve 9 26
123 ateneto 1 7
124 Bagginses 10 19
125 bebing 3 48
126 BEHiker91W 53 18
127 beman 2 1
128 blackshift 6 12
129 Bourne 241 80
130 BRAAP Surly Dinos 0 0
131 breadmaster 3 94
132 carr0t 7 25
133 Cassie42 8 11
134 catties 16 0
135 ceb #TransOnTrains 0 0
136 chip 1 8
137 ChongLi 2 105
138 clotshot 24 37
139 CodeTriangle 4 0
140 Cormorant Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi 8 4
141 Cromo 3 3
142 Cuchullain 19 22
143 darkmiz Aether Gazer 1 2
144 davez 24 107
145 dayta frangipanible 0 0
146 dbanethacker 6 66
147 deadnoobOotC OrderOfTheCockatrice 0 0
148 dedal2 1 0
149 deepy 0 0
150 deki unfoog 2 20
151 Demo teamsplat 2 0
152 DemoBot .. 0 0
153 dingotron 0 0
154 DragonSidedD 60 111
155 drivec Only Orcs 40 47
156 DrSlow 8 61
157 dustsquid 3 5
158 eitkrog Clan EIT! 18 30
159 eitquincy Clan EIT! 14 21
160 eitronco 0 0
161 ellone 27 102
162 Elm 0 0
163 elmegil 65 38
164 engelson Sons of Yendor 10 27
165 epiksalad i <3 grayswandir 36 58
166 Everdying Meanwhile in Europe 1 93
167 Evilparsnips 0 0
168 fadein RubberDuckieGang 5 70
169 Fainted 3 22
170 fakepass 3 12
171 ferigero 0 0
172 Flugkiller Olymp0wer 0 0
173 Fukka 111 67
174 Gandelf unfoog 319 94
175 Ginebig 420 13
176 gnuninio 3 24
177 Gorbs 2 1
178 goupaloupa 10 16
179 Graydot OnlyWizs | 18+ 2 24
180 GrmlyFndsh 24 128
181 habib OrderOfTheCockatrice 0 0
182 HalNovek 0 0
183 Haudegen Meanwhile in Europe 30 34
184 Hill 0 0
185 hilliance 1 5
186 HungryMotu 14 132
187 icantfindaname 1 18
188 igemnace 4 11
189 IsPotato 37 39
190 Izzfast The Dogs 6 30
191 Jatsy 0 0
192 jientho 35 79
193 jmcunx Surly Dinos 95 42
194 joes The Splendor of Yendor 14 64
195 jprosser 0 0
196 Judas 1 27
197 Kahboomafu 8 79
198 katt 0 0
199 kh 1 65
200 kickerofelves 12 15
201 kingfollower 41 58
202 kleptomman Knights of the Eastern Calculus 18 34
203 klipto i <3 grayswandir 16 22
204 Kougyoku 0 0
205 KougyokuOotC OrderOfTheCockatrice 4 42
206 KRR 8 33
207 Lastlifex 1 0
208 LeeroyJenkins Surly Dinos 0 0
209 Legiondestroyer 1 0
210 Lemoon 2 1
211 levoittiel 2 185
212 lighthouse Sheltered by Goobs 0 0
213 lispwitch #TransOnTrains 46 68
214 LoadedDice 7 57
215 LoggersFactCheck 0 0
216 Lu16 1 0
217 lunar 1 1
218 malor teamsplat 0 0
219 Masami Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi 8 21
220 Menche 1 5
221 Merlek Surly Dinos 25 61
222 mfabt 1 0
223 mindcool 18 20
224 misanthrope 1 7
225 Mitzutsune 3 10
226 MoonPig 2 0
227 moulin 0 0
228 mrflash818 10 85
229 mrjgiles 6 9
230 mthorp 8 25
231 Muad #TransOnTrains 0 0
232 murgatroid99 25 47
233 n00b 6 23
234 naf 6 102
235 Narc 42 82
236 navigate 6 2
237 NetSysFire 0 0
238 nickplaysjazz 4 67
239 Nidan 0 0
240 nmlkj Sons of Yendor 44 51
241 Noah 24 36
242 Noisytoot Surly Dinos 8 80
243 nurdglaw Meanwhile in Europe 39 120
244 OhNoNotAgain 3 11
245 ombre 1 0
246 OmegaDino Surly Dinos 28 68
247 omghax 2 0
248 OPC 49 30
249 OtsMcGee 3 31
250 parsec51 4 5
251 partychads 3 0
252 PeterSays Broiled Peterlings 30 19
253 Phradra 3 1
254 Phyban Castle or Bust 0 0
255 picaresquieu 0 0
256 PigInZen 85 49
257 pith frangipanible 21 14
258 PJW 9 29
259 pkmnabcd RubberDuckieGang 2 2
260 playerb 1 12
261 post163 Surly Dinos 503 74
262 PsyMarOotC OrderOfTheCockatrice 0 0
263 quervo1 23 43
264 Qwesti 24 46
265 Raisse teamsplat 261 140
266 ranchyang96 1 14
267 randomdent 19 10
268 richards Running Man 4 12
269 richo 1 2
270 Riffius 27 53
271 Roke 0 0
272 rolledgoats THINKING_FACE 43 40
273 rossyrg unfoog 12 16
274 RubberRat 1 0
275 RusselSouls Sons of Yendor 38 46
276 rvcx 728 73
277 sackofcookies 21 11
278 salesman 0 0
279 salesman02 2 0
280 Sax 0 0
281 Scribble 1 0
282 Scuzzery 2 16
283 shadowcat Surly Dinos 93 52
284 Shunya 11 96
285 SludgeGunkman 100 38
286 Smiles 13 28
287 Smugzug 0 0
288 SmugzugOotC OrderOfTheCockatrice 0 0
289 snowmanparty 0 0
290 Soraya 9 34
291 Spider74656 RedShirtDungeoneers 55 59
292 spleen Only Orcs 109 96
293 spline Sons of Yendor 30 29
294 squarelles 2 6
295 squeedunk 1 4
296 squolly 0 0
297 Staengia Surly Dinos 47 84
298 stash 59 70
299 steveyo 36 117
300 Sulfrum 0 0
301 swooboo 2 26
302 Sylvie 0 0
303 tacco unfoog 0 0
304 taxol 1 1
305 TeagueasaurusRex RubberDuckieGang 16 12
306 telegarn 1 5
307 theohm 1 1
308 theWeaver 0 0
309 Tommo Sheltered by Goobs 1 33
310 TommoOotC OrderOfTheCockatrice 3 9
311 torpedojuice 0 0
312 trashfire 1 12
313 TrigCreag Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks 10 89
314 tromix 0 0
315 trwyth 4 10
316 Urc 1 7
317 vevais 3 1
318 vttvvt 0 0
319 wgreenhouse THINKING_FACE 0 0
320 whodovoodoo 4 2
321 widmerpool 8 27
322 widmerpoolOotc OrderOfTheCockatrice 1 8
323 WiisagiLoggers 286 0
324 winny 1 0
325 wintergalaxy88 2 25
326 wormy 303 69
327 xhtmlcoder 1 145
328 Xonovelixi The Dogs 20 16
329 Xotius 99 78
330 XYS 1 7
331 Yeshua 9 53
332 yygpa 4 2
333 ZlojSerge 9724 40
334 Zolar 48 183
335 zyll 9 33