The November Nethack Tournament

All Clans

clan wins combos achieve
Over Achievers ais523 BilldaCat cathartes charlie14690 DoktorL efot Furey karafruit Prowler thegame tjw 11 players 91 73 334
Gandalf's Illegal Fireworks Azoxey Bean Dictyostelium marion spazm TrigCreag unit327 7 players 53 43 263
Black Queens in the Blind anselmus arkanoid blankman DekaFumoPuzzle elron Grouchy Loggers rebrane Sceptross scheijan shadowrider38 xdminsy 12 players 52 28 274
teamsplat Demo elenmirie hothraxxa k2 krm26 malor mobileuser nabru oh6 Raisse Umbire 11 players 34 23 300
Clan EIT! eitbo eitbrad eitkrog eitlarry eitm9l eitquincy eitwinston 7 players 18 15 293
The Splendor of Yendor AmElm Cloudmillion disperse finitelycraig joes jonosmalls88 LythariDrow peterg 8 players 14 13 238
Medusa Swim Team karibou recuerdo tinklebear 3 players 8 8 313
teamsplit Arahael Grasshopper noims qt Tangles 5 players 8 7 280
GEECS a1 schoen stagnate 3 players 7 6 263
Madame Elvira's House O' Succubi Cormorant jackbunny Masami squishy walkera 5 players 6 6 243
Surly Dinos aosdict bleeko BRAAP crunchbubba jmcunx LeeroyJenkins Merlek Noisytoot OmegaDino post163 shadowcat Staengia 12 players 6 6 320
Knights of the Eastern Calculus Ashpool dedal kleptomman 3 players 5 5 184
Meanwhile in Europe Everdying Haudegen khamul moop nurdglaw WizardOfPoland 6 players 5 5 253
#TransOnTrains aoei ceb lispwitch Muad 4 players 3 2 155
Kitten lovers MEOW! voffer 1 player 3 3 129
OrderOfTheCockatrice deadnoobOotC habib habibOotC KougyokuOotC PsyMarOotC SmugzugOotC TommoOotC widmerpoolOotc 8 players 3 3 164
The Brute Squad Leggman 1 player 3 3 157
frangipanible coffeebeetle coffeebug dayta pith 4 players 2 2 139
GehenNOMNOMNOM haldisse stoicjin 2 players 2 2 135
unfoog deki Gandelf Kontroller rossyrg tacco 5 players 2 2 169
{Inferior Force} jackofclubs 1 player 2 2 128
ColdfishErm stenno 1 player 1 1 98
i <3 grayswandir Athor epiksalad klipto 3 players 1 1 144
Olymp0wer Flugkiller p0werm0de 2 players 1 1 133
Slime Mould Connoisseurs lrrr 1 player 1 1 108
Sons of Yendor engelson lacca nmlkj RusselSouls spline 5 players 1 1 172
The clan with no name AlbertB 1 player 1 1 140
.. DemoBot 1 player 0 0 0
Aether Gazer darkmiz 1 player 0 0 2
Broiled Peterlings PeterSays 1 player 0 0 19
Castle or Bust Phyban 1 player 0 0 0
Only Orcs drivec spleen 2 players 0 0 101
OnlyWizs | 18+ Graydot 1 player 0 0 24
RedShirtDungeoneers Spider74656 1 player 0 0 59
RubberDuckieGang fadein pkmnabcd TeagueasaurusRex 3 players 0 0 73
Running Man richards 1 player 0 0 12
Sheltered by Goobs lighthouse Tommo 2 players 0 0 33
The Dogs Astralis Izzfast Xonovelixi 3 players 0 0 34
THINKING_FACE rolledgoats wgreenhouse 2 players 0 0 40